Fat Cats

A Cool Place to Eat $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
2061 West 10th Street, Cleveland OH 44113, United States
+1 (216) 579 0200

Established in 1997, Fat Cats is an eclectic American food establishment. Although a meat-serving restaurant, there are vegan options available, but not obviously labeled on the menu. Vegan options include tofu dishes, sandwiches, soups and salads. There is a brunch, lunch and dinner menu with a separate menu for drinks. Take-away service is also available. Fat Cats is child-friendly restaurant.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–16:00
Monday 11:00–22:00
Tuesday 11:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 11:00–22:00
Thursday 11:00–22:00
Friday 11:00–00:00
Saturday 11:00–00:00

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