India Garden
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India Garden

India Garden

Authentic Indian Cuisine $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
18405 Detroit Road, Lakewood OH 44107, United States
+1 (216) 221 0676

India Garden is a restaurant in Lakewood, Ohio, serving authentic Indian cuisine. They also have a restaurant in Oberlin, also called India Garden, and a restaurant in Downtown Lakewood called Namaste.

Although a meat-serving establishment, they do state on their website that they are vegan-friendly and there is a separate vegetarian menu with plenty of plant-based dishes that can easily be adapted. There is also a choice of rice dishes, Indian bread, and condiments with gluten-free options available throughout the menu and vegan desserts are available on request.

The specials menu includes 'Vegan Monday' where the evening meal every Monday features a vegan-friendly meal. The daily buffet also has vegan dishes.

A takeaway service is available as well as outside catering for private parties and functions.

Opening hours

Sunday 04:30–22:00
Monday 04:30–22:00
Tuesday 04:30–22:00
Wednesday 04:30–22:00
Thursday 04:30–22:00
Friday 04:30–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 04:30–22:00

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