Ethos Vegan Kitchen
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Ethos Vegan Kitchen

Ethos Vegan Kitchen

100% vegan, hearty, homestyle fare 2 comments$$
vegan gluten-free lactose-free organic local fair-trade
601-B South New York Avenue, Winter Park FL 32789, United States
+1 (407) 228 3898

Ethos Vegan Kitchen is a family-owned restaurant focusing on healthy and hearty vegan dishes. They strive to be a good neighbor and a good employer within the community; sourcing their ingredients locally, being environmentally aware and donating to local non-profits.

Their huge menu marks gluten-free and soy-free dishes clearly and includes Chickun Gyro, Mac 'n Cheese 'n Peas, Blackened Tempeh and Chocolate Amaretto Mousse. They also feature a selection of vegan beer and wine, plus vegan bakery items made on-site daily.

Opening hours

Sunday 09:00–23:00
Monday 11:00–23:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Tuesday 11:00–23:00
Wednesday 11:00–23:00
Thursday 11:00–23:00
Friday 11:00–23:00
Saturday 09:00–23:00

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5.0 stars from 5 customers

  • A photo of Paula Castle

    Truly excellent food. Fresh and flavourful!

    Paula Castle24-09-2019, 12:04
  • A photo of Claire Hyde

    Brunch is phenomenal. Lunches and dinners are pretty good. Desserts are great. I wish they had more side options (like fries)

    Claire Hyde03-07-2018, 01:59
Ratings 1–2 of 2