Blaze Pizza
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Blaze Pizza

Blaze Pizza

Fast Fire'd $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
691 Broad Street, Newark NJ 07102, United States
+1 (973) 206 4278

Blaze Pizza is a fast-growing, national chain of pizzerias making fresh pies from scratch, which are "fast-fire'd" in only 180 seconds. They have vegan Daiya cheese, a gluten-free base option and lots of veggie toppings to choose from.

Opening hours

Sunday 10:30–20:00
Monday 10:30–21:00
Tuesday 10:30–21:00
Wednesday 10:30–21:00
Thursday 10:30–21:00
Friday 10:30–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 10:30–20:00

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