Gojo Ethiopian Restaurant
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Gojo Ethiopian Restaurant

Gojo Ethiopian Restaurant

Ethiopian cuisine $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
415 W Thompson Ln, Nashville TN 37211, United States
+1 (615) 332 0710

Gojo Ethiopian is a restaurant which serves its food on a pancake type bread called Injera, which is made with teff flour. They have a variety of vegetarian dishes, for example the Miser W'et and the Foul. The cuisine is highly focussed on vegetables and pulses cooked together. Please check with staff when ordering that your dish is vegan.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:30–21:00
Monday 11:00–21:00
Tuesday 11:00–21:00
Wednesday 11:00–21:00
Thursday 11:00–21:00
Friday 11:00–22:00
Saturday 11:30–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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