Vegetable Garden
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Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden

Vegan Pan-Asian cuisine 2 comments$$
vegan gluten-free lactose-free organic
3830 International Drive, Silver Spring MD 20906, United States
+1 (301) 598 6868

All vegan restaurant offering heart healthy dished cooked in little to no vegetable oil and entirely trans fat and MSG free!


Opening hours

Sunday 11:30–21:30
Monday 11:15–22:00
Tuesday 11:15–22:00
Wednesday 11:15–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 11:15–22:00
Friday 11:15–22:00
Saturday 11:15–22:00

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5.0 stars from 5 customers

  • A photo of Donna Zeigfinger

    My all-time favorite local vegan restaurant. Been around for 30 years now and we love it

    Donna Zeigfinger16-05-2019, 12:17
  • A photo of Compassion Over Killing

    Pro TipAt Vegetable Garden is one of our favorite restaurants for healthy, heart-friendly, plant-based cuisine. All dishes are trans-fat and MSG-free, and foods are cooked in little or no oil.

    Compassion Over Killing22-01-2018, 14:40
Ratings 1–2 of 2