Unrefined Bakery
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Unrefined Bakery

Unrefined Bakery

Gluten-Free & More $$
vegan vegetarian gluten-free lactose-free organic
6464 Northwest Highway, Dallas TX 75214, United States
+1 (214) 414 2414

The Unrefined Bakery in Dallas is a 100% gluten-free venue that serves delicious sweet and savory baked goods.

Although not strictly a vegan-venue, they do offer custom-made cakes that can be made to order as vegan as well as providing tasty treats that are vegan-friendly including cupcakes, pies and other baked goods.

Opening hours

Monday 09:00–18:00
Tuesday 09:00–18:00
Wednesday 09:00–18:00
Thursday 09:00–18:00
Friday 09:00–18:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 09:00–18:00

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