Govinda's Vegetarian Lunch
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Govinda's Vegetarian Lunch

Govinda's Vegetarian Lunch

Indian Vegetarian daily specials $
vegan vegetarian gluten-free lactose-free
305 Schermerhorn St, New York NY 11217, United States
+1 (347) 249 4064

Govinda's Vegetarian Lunch is an Indian cuisine which is part of a temple that hosts many events, such as meditation. They have daily specials, which they announce on their Facebook page every day, so please check. They have quinoa salads, nut loaf, pastas and much more. Please check if these are vegan.

Opening hours

Monday 12:00–15:30
Tuesday 12:00–15:30
Wednesday 12:00–15:30
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 12:00–15:30
Friday 12:00–15:30

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