Whole In the Wall
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Whole In the Wall

Whole In the Wall

Natural Foods Restaurant $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
43 S Washington St, Binghamton NY 13903, United States
+1 (607) 722 5138

Whole in the Wall is a natural food restaurant which caters for many dietary requirements. Their menu clearly labels vegan items, or 'vegan available' items. The same applies to gluten-free items. They have many different vegan options available, such as the whole wheat roll, the stir fried vegetables with tofu or tempeh, and the black bean chilli. Items which can be made vegan include the Mideast Platter and the Mexican Platter. They also offer vegan Peanut Butter Pie, and many gourmet cookies!

Opening hours

Thursday 11:00–21:00
Friday 11:00–21:00
Saturday 11:00–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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