The Good Sort
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The Good Sort

The Good Sort

Vegan Espresso Bar $$
vegan gluten-free lactose-free organic
5 Doyers St, New York NY 10013, United States
+1 (646) 895 9301

The Good Sort is a vegan espresso bar and café, which serves interesting drinks such as rainbow lattes and activated charcoal drinks. They all have natural spices and flavorings in the drinks, and focus on health. They also serve food such as hummus or avo toast, breakfast congee with granola, and baked goods. The baked goods include muffins, truffles and a cacao and beetroot cake.

Opening hours

Sunday 08:00–18:00
Monday 08:00–18:00
Tuesday 08:00–18:00
Wednesday 08:00–18:00
Thursday 08:00–18:00
Friday 08:00–18:00
Saturday 08:00–18:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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