Char Burrito Bar
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Char Burrito Bar

Char Burrito Bar

Fresh and Healthy! $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
68 Castle Street, Geneva NY 14456, United States
+1 (315) 759 5969

Char Burrito Bar opened in 2014 and offers burritos, tacos, salads and bowls from its location in Geneva.

The ordering system is great for vegans as you create your own burritos, taco, salad or bowl by choosing a protein (tofu in this case) and adding whatever fillings you like. The majority of fillings appear to be vegan-friendly, but just check when you order re: cooking methods and ingredients.

Perfect for a quick bite six days a week!

Opening hours

Monday 11:30–16:00
Tuesday 11:30–20:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 11:30–20:00
Thursday 11:30–20:00
Friday 11:30–20:00
Saturday 11:30–20:00

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