Green Zenphony
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Green Zenphony

Green Zenphony

Pan-Asian vegetarian restaurant 2 comments$$
vegan vegetarian lactose-free organic
9526 Queens Boulevard, New York NY 11374, United States
+1 (718) 830 0808

Green Zenphony is a pan-Asian restaurant serving 100% vegetarian dishes with many vegan options.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:30–21:30
Monday 11:00–21:30
Tuesday 11:00–21:30
Wednesday 11:00–21:30
Thursday 11:00–21:30
Friday 11:00–21:30
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 11:00–21:30

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5.0 stars from 4 customers

  • A photo of Dawn Rolon

    Love the flavors and the atmosphere is very sweet and delicious

    Dawn Rolon10-06-2018, 00:42
  • A photo of Melanie Rodriguez

    So much variety. Many protein options. Very hospitable. Every dish I’ve tried was delicious. I will try to remember to add pictures every time I come here.

    Melanie Rodriguez10-06-2018, 00:21
Ratings 1–2 of 2