Farm To Table Café at Groton Wellness
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Farm To Table Café at Groton Wellness

Farm To Table Café at Groton Wellness

Cafe snacks with vegan options $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free organic local raw food
493-495 Main Street, Groton MA 01450, United States
+1 (978) 449 9919

Farm To Table Café is located inside the spa at Groton Wellness. They have a range of vegan snacks and treats including sandwiches, entrees, and smoothies. They also cater gluten-free, please speak to your server for suitable items of the day. They use organic, local produce when possible. Farm To Table Café also provide takeaway and catering services.

Opening hours

Monday 09:00–20:00
Tuesday 09:00–20:00
Wednesday 09:00–20:00
Thursday 09:00–20:00
Friday 09:00–17:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 09:00–16:00

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