Sage, Echo Park
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Sage, Echo Park

Sage, Echo Park

Plant Based Bistro & Brewery $$
vegan gluten-free lactose-free organic local raw food
1700 W Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90026, United States
+1 (213) 989 1718

Sage Plant Based Bistro and Brewery Echo Park specializes in plant-based cuisine.

90% of their produce comes from local farmers who are not only practicing organic and pesticide-free farming but also committed to regenerative agriculture. They get daily deliveries directly from the farms; so when you’re eating a kale salad at Sage, it was likely picked that same day or the day before. Sage proudly serves house-brewed beers and kombucha at all 3 of their locations. They offer a variety of menus with gluten-free, nut-free and soy-free options.

Opening hours

Sunday 08:00–00:00
Monday 08:00–00:00
Tuesday 08:00–00:00
Wednesday 08:00–00:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 08:00–00:00
Friday 08:00–01:00
Saturday 08:00–01:00

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