Wild Living Foods
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Wild Living Foods

Wild Living Foods

live and raw food restaurant One comment$$
vegan vegetarian gluten-free lactose-free organic raw food
760 South Main Street, Los Angeles CA 90014, United States
+1 (213) 266 8254

Wild Living Foods is a vegetarian, organic, raw food restaurant in Los Angeles. The majority of dishes are vegan, including the jalapeño pasta (marinated kale, hemp oil, pico de gallo, garlic, jalapeño cream, diced jalapeño), Brazil nut hummus and mango sushi roll (macadamia, cauliflower rice, mango, avocado, spring mix). The café also serves salads, nutritious smoothies, vegan gelato and cold-pressed juices. All dishes are prepared under 118º to keep their vital nutrients and enzymes intact.

Opening hours

Sunday 09:00–23:00
Monday 08:00–23:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Tuesday 08:00–23:00
Wednesday 08:00–23:00
Thursday 08:00–23:00
Friday 08:00–23:00
Saturday 09:00–23:00

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5.0 stars from 2 customers

  • Great food our food was delicious. We had Nachos Especiales and Rad Thai. The drinks were ready and packed in glass bottles.

    Georg05-03-2019, 21:57
Ratings 1–1 of 1