Casa La Golondrina Café
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Casa La Golondrina Café

Casa La Golondrina Café

Authentic Mexican cuisine $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
17 Olvera Street, Los Angeles CA 90012, United States
+1 (213) 628 4349

Casa La Golondrina Café is a family owned restaurant serving fresh, home cooked Mexican food and tasty margaritas. They have a live Mariachi band that performs on weekends at lunchtime. You can sit indoors or outside on their patio.

They have a vegetarian and vegan section on their menu that includes fajitas, a mole bowl and an arroz y frijoles bowl. Please check suitability with your server.

Opening hours

Sunday 09:00–20:00
Monday 10:30–19:30
Tuesday 10:30–19:30
Wednesday 10:30–19:30
Thursday 10:30–19:30
Friday 10:00–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 10:00–21:00

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