Masa of Echo Park
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Masa of Echo Park

Masa of Echo Park

Chicago deep-dish pizza $
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
1800 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90026, United States
+1 (213) 989 1558

Masa of Echo Park is a ‘mom and pop’ restaurant in Los Angeles. The specialty is Chicago deep dish pizza made with a cornmeal crust. There is a separate vegan menu with dishes such as bruschetta, minestrone, Manchego salad, veggie chicken panini and a large number of vegan pizza options with vegan cheese. Eat-in, take-away, delivery and catering options are available.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–23:00
Monday 11:00–23:00
Tuesday 11:00–23:00
Wednesday 11:00–23:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 11:00–23:00
Friday 11:00–23:00
Saturday 11:00–23:00

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