Un Solo Sol
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Un Solo Sol

Un Solo Sol

Latin American flavors $$
vegan lactose-free
1818 East 1st Street, Los Angeles CA 90033, United States
+1 (323) 269 8680

Un Solo Sol is a restaurant serving traditional and innovative flavors from Latin America and other parts of the World. Their meals are homemade, healthy and eclectic, and they serve lunch and dinner.

They offer vegan options although these are not clearly marked on their menu so please check with your server. Dishes may include quinoa tabbouleh, green salad, Oriental tofu salad, green and red pozole, tofu fajitas, spinach and bean pupusas, tacos and fried plantain.

Opening hours

Sunday 12:00–15:00
Wednesday 06:00–09:00
Thursday 06:00–09:00
Friday 06:00–09:00
Saturday 06:00–09:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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