Dinosaurs, SOMA
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Dinosaurs, SOMA

Dinosaurs, SOMA

Vietnamese sandwiches $
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
18 Boardman Place, San Francisco CA 94103, United States
+1 (415) 701 1421

Dinosaurs has several locations in the local area and specializes in Vietnamese sandwiches. They offer a couple of vegan options including one filled with crispy tofu, taro, rice noodles and jicama, the other with seasoned portobello mushrooms with vegenaise. They also serve Vietnamese iced coffee sweetened with condensed soy milk and a small selection of smoothies.

Opening hours

Monday 10:00–17:00
Tuesday 10:00–17:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 10:00–17:00
Thursday 10:00–17:00
Friday 10:00–17:00

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