Whole Heart Café
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Whole Heart Café

Whole Heart Café

Local eatery, daily specials One comment$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free organic local
37 North Main Street, Cortland NY 13045, United States
+1 (607) 662 4720

Whole Heart Café offers dishes made with locally-sourced ingredients. They are also part of a grocery and market. They have a daily changing menu, which usually includes at least one vegan option. Examples of dishes served here are the Curry Chickpea, Asian Quinoa, Roasted Cauliflower and more. Check out their desserts, too. They offer many gluten-free options on their daily menu.

Opening hours

Sunday 08:00–16:00
Monday 08:00–20:00
Tuesday 08:00–20:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 08:00–20:00
Thursday 08:00–20:00
Friday 08:00–20:00
Saturday 08:00–20:00

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5.0 stars from one customer

  • A photo of Robby Petrella

    Love this place! Very vegan friendly. From Whole Foods to Vegan “junk” food... They have it all.

    Robby Petrella01-02-2018, 05:10
Ratings 1–1 of 1