Tender Greens, King Street
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Tender Greens, King Street

Tender Greens, King Street

Sustainable comfort dishes $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free local
266 King Street, San Francisco CA 94107, United States
+1 (415) 230 3141

Tender Greens is a chain of restaurants offering nourishing comfort dishes for lunch and dinner. Their focus is on sustainability and each location develops partnerships with small local farmers, artisans, boutique wineries, breweries and coffee roasters. They also run a Sustainable Life Project, a culinary internship program for young adults who’ve grown out of foster care and into new lives on their own.

They offer vegan and gluten-free options and these are clearly marked on their menu. The vegan dishes are a Happy Vegan salad (farro wheat, cranberries, hazelnuts, quinoa, cucumber, beets, green hummus, tabbouleh, baby greens and lemon vinaigrette), a green salad, seasonal veggie side, sprouted rice, roasted tomato soup and chocolate brownie.

Opening hours

Monday 11:00–21:00
Tuesday 11:00–21:00
Wednesday 11:00–21:00
Thursday 11:00–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Friday 11:00–21:00

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