Goat Hill Pizza, Potrero Hill
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Goat Hill Pizza, Potrero Hill

Goat Hill Pizza, Potrero Hill

Sourdough crust pizza $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
300 Connecticut Street, San Francisco CA 94107, United States
+1 (415) 641 1440

Goat Hill Pizza is a long-standing neighborhood favorite for sourdough crust pizzas, fresh pastas and salads. They offer takeout and delivery. They also serve beer and wine.

They offer Daiya vegan cheese and gluten-free dough so you can create your own pie using a variety of veggies.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:30–22:00
Monday 11:30–22:00
Tuesday 11:30–22:00
Wednesday 11:30–22:00
Thursday 11:30–22:00
Friday 11:30–22:00
Saturday 11:30–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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