Java Juice House
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Java Juice House

Java Juice House

Acai Bowls, Toasts and Juices One comment$$
vegan vegetarian gluten-free lactose-free organic local raw food
1061 Hamilton Plaza Drive, Johnson City TN 37604, United States
+1 (423) 328 0273

Java Juice House is a healthy, mostly plant-based café which offers dairy-free acai bowls, crepes, toast and more. They also offer organic coffee, wellness shots and raw juices and smoothies. With the acai bowls, you can create your own by picking a base, toppings such as banana, avocado, kiwi and more, and other options such as hemp hearts, peanut butter and coconut shavings. Most of the toasts are vegan-friendly, as well as the smoothies.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–18:00
Monday 07:00–19:00
Tuesday 07:00–19:00
Wednesday 07:00–19:00
Thursday 07:00–19:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Friday 07:00–19:00
Saturday 07:00–19:00

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5.0 stars from one customer

  • A photo of Jay D

    Great smoothies 👌

    Jay D20-07-2018, 17:18
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