Mike's Deli at Lazy Sundae
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Mike's Deli at Lazy Sundae

Mike's Deli at Lazy Sundae

Homemade Deli Fare $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
7049 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church VA 22046, United States
+1 (703) 532 5299

Deli located in the same place as the Lazy Sundae ice cream parlor, with vegan versions of many sandwiches, including a vegan Reuben, Turk’y Bacon Club and Chick’n Cheesesteak. Or build your own sandwich and specify vegan deli slices, cheese and mayo.

Source: vegdc.com

Opening hours

Sunday 08:30–21:00
Monday 07:30–21:00
Tuesday 07:30–21:00
Wednesday 07:30–21:00
Thursday 07:30–21:00
Friday 07:30–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 08:30–21:00

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