Roro's Modern Lebanese
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Roro's Modern Lebanese

Roro's Modern Lebanese

Traditional Lebanese with a Modern Twist $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
5655 General Washington Drive, Alexandria VA 22312, United States
+1 (703) 750 2221

Roro's is super vegan-friendly with accolades for the buffalo cauliflower and falafel that you can accompany with their brand of Lebanese street food fusion offering pita bread tacos, pita bread burritos, basmati rice platters, fresh chopped salads, and hand cut French fries tossed in Lebanese za’atar seasoning.

Source:; edited by vanilla bean

Opening hours

Monday 10:00–18:00
Tuesday 10:00–18:00
Wednesday 10:00–18:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 10:00–18:00
Friday 10:00–18:00

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