Sugar Shack Donuts & Coffee
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Sugar Shack Donuts & Coffee

Sugar Shack Donuts & Coffee

Hand-Made Donuts & Coffee $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
1014 South Glebe Road, Arlington VA 22204, United States
+1 (703) 577 9636

With 200+ rotating flavors and a vegan dough as the cornerstone of most of these donuts, you are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth in a delicious way! Stop by the Arlington location of this regional chain for your donut and coffee fix every day except Mondays, and open late on the weekends. Vegan options are labeled (with a “(v)”) and choices are expanding every day!

Source:; edited by vanilla bean

Opening hours

Sunday 06:30–20:00
Monday 06:30–20:00
Tuesday 06:30–20:00
Wednesday 06:30–20:00
Thursday 06:30–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Friday 06:30–21:00
Saturday 06:30–21:00

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