Chef Chloe and the Vegan Café
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Chef Chloe and the Vegan Café

Chef Chloe and the Vegan Café

Flavorful Plant Based Food $$
vegan lactose-free
140 North East 39th Street, Miami FL 33137, United States

Chef Chloe Coscarelli is behind this latest addition to the St Roch Market, Chef Chloe and the Vegan Café. The café serves fun and flavorful vegan food, with dishes such as Butternut Nachos, Miami Mango Salad, and Truffle Avocado Toast.

Opening hours

Sunday 08:00–22:00
Monday 08:00–22:00
Tuesday 08:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 08:00–22:00
Thursday 08:00–22:00
Friday 08:00–23:00
Saturday 08:00–23:00

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