JuiceBrothers, FiDi
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JuiceBrothers, FiDi

JuiceBrothers, FiDi

Juices, smoothies & more $$
vegan vegetarian gluten-free lactose-free organic raw food
70 Pine Street, New York NY 10005, United States
+1 (917) 261 4530

JuiceBrothers aim to create high quality juice with maximum nutritional benefits that tastes great. They use organic fruits and vegetables and other superfood ingredients in their juices, smoothies, desserts and food items. Everything is vegan except for honey in a couple of items. Food items include acai bowls, mac and cheese (with gluten-free pasta), rice pudding, raw chocolate mousse, and raw cheesecake. They have locations in New York and the Netherlands.

Opening hours

Sunday 07:00–00:00
Monday 07:00–00:00
Tuesday 07:00–00:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 07:00–00:00
Thursday 07:00–00:00
Friday 07:00–00:00
Saturday 07:00–00:00

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