Beyond Sushi, City Acres Market
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Beyond Sushi, City Acres Market

Beyond Sushi, City Acres Market

Vegan sushi chain $$
vegan lactose-free local
70 Pine Street, New York NY 10270, United States
+1 (917) 261 4530

Beyond Sushi is the pioneer of the plant-based, sushi movement. A 100% vegan eatery that celebrates the flavors and beauty of locally sourced, seasonal produce. Founded by renowned Chef, Guy Vaknin, and his wife, Tali, Beyond Sushi offers an assortment of distinctive sushi rolls and other nutritional staples at their branches in New York.

Opening hours

Monday 11:00–21:00
Tuesday 11:00–21:00
Wednesday 11:00–21:00
Thursday 11:00–21:00
Friday 11:00–21:00

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