À Casa di l'Orsu
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À Casa di l'Orsu

À Casa di l'Orsu

vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
One comment$$
4 rue Mgr Sauveur Casanova, 20250 Corte, France
+33 6 80 60 70 42

Opening hours

Sunday 12:00–14:30
Monday 12:00–14:30
Tuesday 12:00–14:30
(can vary during public holidays)
Wednesday 12:00–14:30
Thursday 12:00–14:30
Friday 12:00–14:30
Saturday 12:00–14:30

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3.0 stars from one customer

  • A photo of Thomas H.

    Around one third of the dishes are vegetarian and one tenth vegan. The location is central in the old town. They have traditional cuisine and as for the local standards the quality is good. However for the prices, the quantity is low and the food a bit bland (less spices, less cooked). They have a vegetarian menu which they could make vegan (with a sorbet or espresso as a dessert). So it is probably in September 2019 the most veggie friendly place in Corte.

    Thomas H.25-09-2019, 11:17
Ratings 1–1 of 1