Elaine’s Deli
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Elaine’s Deli

Elaine’s Deli

Good food - good drinks - friendly vibes - lovely people One comment$$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
Taunustor 1-3, 60311 Frankfurt, Germany
+49 69 204 34526

Opening hours

Sunday 10:00–18:00
Monday 07:30–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Tuesday 07:30–22:00
Wednesday 07:30–22:00
Thursday 07:30–22:00
Friday 07:30–22:00
Saturday 10:00–18:00

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5.0 stars from 2 customers

  • A photo of Margiemum

    Sehr leckere und frisch zubereitete Bowls, Wraps, Müslis und und und... Sehr freundliches und engagiertes Personal. Best gang and best coffee in town.

    Margiemum 14-04-2019, 07:32
Ratings 1–1 of 1