Vegan's Delight
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Vegan's Delight

Vegan's Delight

Vegan counter-serve $$
vegan lactose-free
3565 Boston Rd, New York NY 10469, United States
+1 (718) 653 4140

Located in a basic setting, Vegan's Delight serves vegan "meat" dishes such as wheat meat curry, jerk toe dood, Ital stew peas, vegan chunks, alongside drinks like sorrel, ginger beer and lemonade.

Opening hours

Monday 07:00–19:00
Tuesday 07:00–19:00
Wednesday 07:00–19:00
Thursday 07:00–19:00
Friday 07:00–19:00
Saturday 07:00–19:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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