La Pescaia Resort
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La Pescaia Resort

La Pescaia Resort

The most charming Natural Resort in Tuscany... $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free organic local
Loc. Pescaia, 58036 Sticciano Tuscany, Italy
+39 333 298 5405

In the evening the restaurant is open to the public, offering a selection of menus that combine traditional Tuscan cuisine with a new sustainable search for flavors and culinary experiences. The vegetables come from their organic garden while other products are selected exclusively by producers in the region of Tuscany.

Opening hours

Sunday 09:00–12:00
Monday 09:00–12:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Tuesday 09:00–12:00
Wednesday 09:00–12:00
Thursday 09:00–12:00
Friday 09:00–12:00
Saturday 09:00–12:00

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