Tako Cheena, Mills 50
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Tako Cheena, Mills 50

Tako Cheena, Mills 50

vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
932 North Mills Avenue, Orlando FL 32803, United States
+1 (407) 757 0626

Tako Cheena describes itself as "food truck meets restaurant" and they serve a variety of Asian-inspired tacos, hot dogs and burritos. A selection of their items can be made vegan and these include Indian crispy tofu tacos and Thai Penang tofu burrito.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–01:00
Monday 11:00–01:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Tuesday 11:00–01:00
Wednesday 11:00–01:00
Thursday 11:00–01:00
Friday 11:00–04:00
Saturday 11:00–04:00

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