I-Thai Restaurant & Sushi Bar
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I-Thai Restaurant & Sushi Bar

I-Thai Restaurant & Sushi Bar

Authentic Thai Cuisine $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
3003 M Street North West, Washington DC 20007, United States
+1 (202) 580 8852

Thai restaurant and sushi bar offering vegan rolls as well as veg-friendly noodles, rice, and soups. Vegan options items clearly marked on menu.

Source: vegdc.com

Opening hours

Sunday 12:00–22:00
Monday 12:00–22:00
Tuesday 12:00–22:00
Wednesday 12:00–22:00
Thursday 12:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Friday 12:00–22:30
Saturday 12:00–22:30

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