The Counter
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The Counter

The Counter

Custom burgers $
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
11922 Democracy Drive, Reston VA 20190, United States
+1 (703) 796 1008

The Counter is an American omni burger restaurant where you can custom-make your own burger. The restaurant has two vegan burgers, the Sprouted Veggie, which comes in a vegan bun and the Asian Veggie, which is served on fresh greens. Vegan mayonnaise and gluten-free options are available.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Monday 11:00–22:00
Tuesday 11:00–22:00
Wednesday 11:00–22:00
Thursday 11:00–22:00
Friday 11:00–23:00
Saturday 11:00–23:00

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