Pizza Aroma
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Pizza Aroma

Pizza Aroma

Pizza and Pasta with vegan options $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
128 South Cayuga Street, Ithaca NY 14850, United States
+1 (607) 273 6165

Pizza Aroma is a pizza joint and take-out service. They have an extensive menu, and labelled vegan pizza. They are said to have two vegan cheeses to choose from, as well as labelled speciality vegan pizzas. They have a roasted eggplant pizza without cheese, too. They have a labelled vegan calzone with roasted veggies, but please ask for vegan cheese. They also offer vegan options for their catering service.

Opening hours

Monday 11:00–21:00
Tuesday 11:00–21:00
Wednesday 11:00–21:00
Thursday 11:00–21:00
Friday 11:00–21:00
Saturday 11:00–21:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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