The Alchemist's Kitchen
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The Alchemist's Kitchen

The Alchemist's Kitchen

Conscious Living $$
vegan gluten-free lactose-free organic local
21 East 1st Street, New York NY 10003, United States
+1 (212) 925 1267

The Alchemists Kitchen offers elixirs, tonics, teas and healing drinks, such as Rose tea, 'Joy Juice', and 'Kombutcha Revitalizer'. They are made using natural ingredients. They also offer some food, which includes mezze plates, coconut yogurt and granola, and different types of breads.

Opening hours

Sunday 10:00–20:00
Monday 10:00–20:00
Tuesday 10:00–20:00
Wednesday 10:00–20:00
Thursday 10:00–20:00
Friday 10:00–20:00
Saturday 10:00–20:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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