Ramen Hood

Vegan ramen shop $$
vegan lactose-free
317 South Broadway, Los Angeles CA 90013, United States
+1 (213) 265 7331

Ramen Hood is an all-vegan ramen shop located in Grand Central Market. Their broth is made using kelp, shiitake mushrooms, roasted sunflower seeds and white miso. You can choose from regular or spicy ramen and then make additions such as their very realistic "egg" complete with yolk that pops just like the real thing. They also have sides such as cucumber salad, bánh mì poutine and masa tofu.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–15:30
Monday 11:00–15:30
Tuesday 11:00–15:30
Wednesday 11:00–15:30
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 11:00–15:30
Friday 11:00–15:30
Saturday 11:00–15:30

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