Papalote Mexican Grill, Fulton & Masonic
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Papalote Mexican Grill, Fulton & Masonic

Papalote Mexican Grill, Fulton & Masonic

Authentic Mexican specialities $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous lactose-free
1777 Fulton Street, San Francisco CA 94117, United States
+1 (415) 776 0106

Papalote Mexican Grill is a vibrant and friendly restaurant specializing in authentic Mexican cuisine. The menu is mainly omnivorous but does include several options suitable for vegans and vegetarians, all clearly identified on the menu. They offer a range of Ensalades, Burritos, Tacos and Quesadillas as well as appetizers, sides and drinks. Vegans can choose from fillings such as Soyrizo, Tofu and all three varieties of beans. There is plenty of seating available at the venue or you can always grab your food to go.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–21:00
Monday 11:00–22:00
Tuesday 11:00–22:00
Wednesday 11:00–22:00
Thursday 11:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Friday 11:00–22:00
Saturday 11:00–22:00

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