Pizza Perfect, Hillsboro Village
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Pizza Perfect, Hillsboro Village

Pizza Perfect, Hillsboro Village

Looks good. Tastes better. $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
1602 21st Avenue South, Nashville TN 37212, United States
+1 (615) 329 2757

Pizza Perfect is a long-standing Nashville pizza joint also serving appetizers, pasta, subs, and calzone. They offer gluten-free crust and they have a specialty vegan pie topped with roasted garlic, spinach, mushrooms, green peppers, onion, tomatoes, cheese, and seitan chorizo.

Opening hours

Sunday 12:00–23:00
Monday 10:30–00:00
Tuesday 10:30–00:00
Wednesday 10:30–00:00
Thursday 10:30–00:00
Friday 10:30–00:00
Saturday 10:30–00:00
(can vary during public holidays)

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