Bluestone Lane, Dumbo
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Bluestone Lane, Dumbo

Bluestone Lane, Dumbo

Australian-Influenced Wholesome Fare $$
vegan vegetarian omnivorous gluten-free lactose-free
55 Prospect St, New York NY 11201, United States
+1 (718) 374 6858

Bluestone Lane is one of a small chain of Bluestone Lane Coffee Shops and Cafés, offering Australian-influenced wholesome fare. The coffee shops have a limited menu, offering their famous Avo Smash, toasts and bowls, with counter service. Bluestone Lane Cafés offer an extensive seasonal menu of café fare along with full table service for all-day breakfast, lunch and early evening appetizers. Vegan options, such as the Avo Smash, are available in all locations.

Opening hours

Sunday 08:00–19:00
Monday 07:30–18:30
Tuesday 07:30–18:30
Wednesday 07:30–18:30
(can vary during public holidays)
Thursday 07:30–18:30
Friday 07:30–18:30
Saturday 08:00–19:00

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