
Raw Food & Art Gallery 2 comments$$
vegan gluten-free lactose-free organic local raw food
Via Acciaioli 13, 00186 Rome Lazio, Italy

At Ecru restaurant and cafeteria you will have the opportunity to try a varied, original and saisonal menu: raw vegan cheeses tastings made with dried shelled fruits, vegan sushi, sprouted legume hummus, raw sprouted buckwheat sandwiches and chia seeds, first courses vegetables, tasty salads, avocado tartare, vegetable carpaccio, raw crackers, raw smoothies and more... Each product, 100% of vegetable origin, is fresh , organic, gluten-free and locally sourced. Ecru offers breakfast, lunch, snack, aperitif and dinner, accompanied by natural wines.

Opening hours

Sunday 11:00–20:00
Monday 10:00–20:00
Wednesday 10:00–20:00
Thursday 10:00–20:00
Friday 10:00–22:00
(can vary during public holidays)
Saturday 10:00–22:00

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5.0 stars from 3 customers

  • A photo of David Nesmith

    Buonissimo, non esitare! Luglio 2021

    David Nesmith15-07-2021, 19:46
  • A photo of Maria Sachse

    Great food, amazing atmosphere. Perfect daily start in the day. Take care: closed on Tuesdays (good alternative is Barnum Café about 10minutes walk from Ecru)

    Maria Sachse14-05-2019, 10:26
Ratings 1–2 of 2